Saturday, October 16, 2010

What a course

Now that we have come to the end of this ICT application course. I've really learned a lot in this module. Creating a wiki and a blogger to me those were amongst the most enjoyable things that I've done in this module. Being taught how to evaluate the website was also among other things. Course I used to take whatever I see from the Internet. I happy course now I'm able to create blogger for my learners as they will socially networking with academic things. Technology it such a good thing I've really experience that. To all my colleague I enjoyed to be in your groups good people. We shared knowledge and information. Mostly people were also willing to assist others. I give a credit for that. Have a wonderful long holidays

What an exciting thing.

As we had to submit our wikis. It seems that we have done a lot. But the were little things that we still had to do. We had to change our home page. We struggle to put our own school badge, Thanks to Sandy who suggested that we can put any school badge that we can find from google website. The devastating part to me was the one of choosing the badge which was to large and which almost cover the entire home page. We choose the most bright and unattractive colour for our home page. I've also struggle to get the one that I've choose from the first wiki that I created now that Silulami is the main domain I can't access the page. And it is almost time to come to an end of the class most of all it is our last lecture. But one thing that I told myself is I will change the colour and will find the original colour that I've created in Sluvava wiki. And try to change the badge as well. I end this day with lot of frustration as I feel that our work is not in the manner that I wish it would be.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

What a frustration

I was devastate as we had a problem with my group of opening our wiki. As the only person who was present on that day. I have en counted some few problems. I end up opening with two different names as the results the system was confuse, today it could not identify how's the main domain. How ever we had to create the new one which, I had to let Silulami run the show on the day. But never the less I believe that we are going to do the best wiki ever.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Creating your Wiki

What a long day for me. Having being the only one member in the group. I had to listen and try not to miss out something as I have to do peer education for my members who were not in today for various reasons. What I've learn how to create your wiki.We visited the wiki space site in order to create our own wikis. In fact we were given just a brief background what is wikis space all about. That it is a educational site not commercial, and should you do something else other than that you will be charge for that. So it is has been created for educational purposes that you can for any leaning area. We've started by signing up where a leader has to sign up. I had some difficulties in signing up as I am a leader. I then had to use one of my members details in order to be able to sign up. The challenging part is that you need not to forget your signing up details hence was the only one in the group. We had to invite other members of the group. Change the theme and colour and add logo.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Today's lecture

We've started by reflecting on essay, some very important tips that were given to improve our writing of the essay. The review on the web test that we wrote last week. Sandy suggested that we can use sources to find out if the website is real on not. We then looked at the atlaspedia to find does this place exist. Atlas which is the online reference. We find that the Cascade was not existing. We could find that there was no such a country. She emphases that we need to search to verify that such website exist as any one can create any fabrication sites. For the second one one can check from twitter of face book to check if the site does really exist. It was quite interesting coming to think of it. Also with regard to essay there were some of the things that she mentioned I happen to include on my essay, which were not suppose to be there. So now I know what to put on the essay. Have a lovely weekend...........

Thursday, September 2, 2010


I wrote the test today, I did not know whether I wrote the the right things. There were some few complex question that were there? Things that you don't know how to verify the information whether is true or false. Have you ever be in a situation of answering every question without knowing whether its what you wrote is right or wrong. Have a fabulous weekend. As for Nazeem my friend please get well soon. I miss you my friend

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wiki's as tools for colleboration

It was interesting to first understand the purpose of the wiki and its definition. So what ever wiki that you can create for yourself is that you need to know that its about the sharing of knowledge. Also what is so interesting about it is that can be edited and anyone can be able to contribute., and is an tracking record for the history part. What also have been suggested to class is that in our schools we can be able to control our wiki so as to avoid learners to contribute or write irrelevant staff which are out of the particular given topic. I think it more important to have topic in this way learners will be able to learn how to stick on their topic when they are writing their essay in class as well. Remember our role as school librarians is to inculcate the culture of reading and knowledge. There also advantages that were also stated with regard the wiki that they are more and easily understandable can be easily up dated. We were then given someone wiki sites that can help us when we are creating our own school wikis. Three different wiki that we were shown such as wiki which has wiki in education and wiki in classroom, pb and wikis ineducation. So they seems to give some guidelines on how to create our won wiki school sites Very informative lecture which I've enjoyed today. Even though was very tired coming from the national march in Cape Town.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Motivation for today...

Motivation for Today....
Standing for what you believe in regardless of the odds against you, and the pressure that tears at your resistance Courage.

Keeping a smile on your face when inside you feel like dying, for the sake of supporting others Strength.

Stopping at nothing and doing what's in your heart that you know is right Determination.

Doing more than is expected, to make another's life a little more bearable, without uttering a single complaint Compassion.

Helping a friend in need, no matter the time or effort, to the best of your ability Loyalty.

Holding your head high And being the best you know you can be when life seems to fall apart at your feet, Fortitude.
Facing each difficulty with thoughts that time will bring you better tomorrows, And never giving up... Confidence.

Have A Great Day!!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Todays lecturer

Today's lecturer I was able to manage to get some information or knwoldge regarding the website. At llist one thing that I'm happy is the part that you can make colours for your emails when you are writng or emailing. I rember one day when somebody send me an email it was with coulors and thought only those who are working in cooparate companies that is the prveviladge that they can get. And today when Sannd showed us I fell little beat embarased. Knowldge is power. I'm happy that I diddn't share this with anyone. As in now I'm practising that skill, as you will see my blogg is quite different from your.Haaaaaa. I'm the master. The other part was the different types of list and its terminology. And the most part is how to protect yourself against spam. As I normally get more of that.

Monday, August 16, 2010

internet filtering lecture

This lecture was quite interesting that it shows the good and bad that we can get from Internet filtering. though at some point was beat frustrated as my computer has just cut itself off. Had to look from the lecturers slides, though my heart was still yearning for my own computer to reconnect. As the person who is short sighted I feel very comfortable to have my own computer to look this very closely. I end up loosing my focus as I was just keep trying my computer as the result I end up going up and down looking for the one I can be able to use. What cross my mind out of the whole entire things is that sometimes we can behave like school learners. While you are teaching you find them roaming around the class looking for a pen even if you didn't ask them to write something. And I just felt that it is important to check their staff if the are working properly as they will not give you your full attention as long as what is bothering them have not been solved. We can indeed behave like learners, I wonder if that is because of the environment or our human mind work the same irrespective of an age.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Having today's lecture was quit fascinating. about the web and. I have never enjoy this day that I wish do work on the sites the entire day. I mevelous it is to communicate with the outside world. And this adds more information and technological world. And I'm confident that I can be bale to utilse the webs for different purposes as most of them they can be use to teaching aid or tolls.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


During my first lesson on how to do blogger was quits scary but exciting. Its even worse that I had to do it alone as I was not registered in campus yet, for me to be able to utilise the Internet. So while other were doing it i class had to watch them doing it. When it was my turn to do my own it was time for us to go home. So had to do it alone at school but as our Internet was offline for couple of days. Was scared thought won't be able to do it alone.

However I've manage to do it and I'm happy. Hoping to learn and receive a lot of info.