Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wiki's as tools for colleboration

It was interesting to first understand the purpose of the wiki and its definition. So what ever wiki that you can create for yourself is that you need to know that its about the sharing of knowledge. Also what is so interesting about it is that can be edited and anyone can be able to contribute., and is an tracking record for the history part. What also have been suggested to class is that in our schools we can be able to control our wiki so as to avoid learners to contribute or write irrelevant staff which are out of the particular given topic. I think it more important to have topic in this way learners will be able to learn how to stick on their topic when they are writing their essay in class as well. Remember our role as school librarians is to inculcate the culture of reading and knowledge. There also advantages that were also stated with regard the wiki that they are more and easily understandable can be easily up dated. We were then given someone wiki sites that can help us when we are creating our own school wikis. Three different wiki that we were shown such as wiki which has wiki in education and wiki in classroom, pb and wikis ineducation. So they seems to give some guidelines on how to create our won wiki school sites Very informative lecture which I've enjoyed today. Even though was very tired coming from the national march in Cape Town.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Zola
    I am all exited about the creation of Wikis too. The history and editing part is so great for groupwork. The information we get is such a big help. I think I am spiritualy and mentally revived with the Wiki application. Can't wait to apply it at school. The lazy ones at school will have to pull up their socks now because we will be able to prove that they did not pull their weight.
