Thursday, August 19, 2010

Todays lecturer

Today's lecturer I was able to manage to get some information or knwoldge regarding the website. At llist one thing that I'm happy is the part that you can make colours for your emails when you are writng or emailing. I rember one day when somebody send me an email it was with coulors and thought only those who are working in cooparate companies that is the prveviladge that they can get. And today when Sannd showed us I fell little beat embarased. Knowldge is power. I'm happy that I diddn't share this with anyone. As in now I'm practising that skill, as you will see my blogg is quite different from your.Haaaaaa. I'm the master. The other part was the different types of list and its terminology. And the most part is how to protect yourself against spam. As I normally get more of that.

1 comment:

  1. It is nice to feel in control and it seems you are defintely just that. The one thing that I need to do or ask someone to show me- is how to paste pictures or gadgets. Maybe you can show me. I think that if I can practice that skill then I will feel completely in control.

    You are on the right track. Keep practicing.
    You go girl!
