Saturday, October 16, 2010

What an exciting thing.

As we had to submit our wikis. It seems that we have done a lot. But the were little things that we still had to do. We had to change our home page. We struggle to put our own school badge, Thanks to Sandy who suggested that we can put any school badge that we can find from google website. The devastating part to me was the one of choosing the badge which was to large and which almost cover the entire home page. We choose the most bright and unattractive colour for our home page. I've also struggle to get the one that I've choose from the first wiki that I created now that Silulami is the main domain I can't access the page. And it is almost time to come to an end of the class most of all it is our last lecture. But one thing that I told myself is I will change the colour and will find the original colour that I've created in Sluvava wiki. And try to change the badge as well. I end this day with lot of frustration as I feel that our work is not in the manner that I wish it would be.

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