Thursday, September 16, 2010

Creating your Wiki

What a long day for me. Having being the only one member in the group. I had to listen and try not to miss out something as I have to do peer education for my members who were not in today for various reasons. What I've learn how to create your wiki.We visited the wiki space site in order to create our own wikis. In fact we were given just a brief background what is wikis space all about. That it is a educational site not commercial, and should you do something else other than that you will be charge for that. So it is has been created for educational purposes that you can for any leaning area. We've started by signing up where a leader has to sign up. I had some difficulties in signing up as I am a leader. I then had to use one of my members details in order to be able to sign up. The challenging part is that you need not to forget your signing up details hence was the only one in the group. We had to invite other members of the group. Change the theme and colour and add logo.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Today's lecture

We've started by reflecting on essay, some very important tips that were given to improve our writing of the essay. The review on the web test that we wrote last week. Sandy suggested that we can use sources to find out if the website is real on not. We then looked at the atlaspedia to find does this place exist. Atlas which is the online reference. We find that the Cascade was not existing. We could find that there was no such a country. She emphases that we need to search to verify that such website exist as any one can create any fabrication sites. For the second one one can check from twitter of face book to check if the site does really exist. It was quite interesting coming to think of it. Also with regard to essay there were some of the things that she mentioned I happen to include on my essay, which were not suppose to be there. So now I know what to put on the essay. Have a lovely weekend...........

Thursday, September 2, 2010


I wrote the test today, I did not know whether I wrote the the right things. There were some few complex question that were there? Things that you don't know how to verify the information whether is true or false. Have you ever be in a situation of answering every question without knowing whether its what you wrote is right or wrong. Have a fabulous weekend. As for Nazeem my friend please get well soon. I miss you my friend